Episode 48 of Key Frames, a podcast about anime. Life is pain, folks. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something. More importantly, however, anime isn't pain, but Ben, Andy, Duncan, and Jeff still do their best to sell you on the highs and lows of the shows that they're watching. Enjoy thirty minutes of Sarazanmai, twenty minutes of Carole & Tuesday, and a comparison between the old and new versions of Fruits Basket. Once you're ready, you can close out the episode with the discussion of Kiznaiver, the 2016 series that's the spotlight, and begin the healing process all over again.
Kiznaiver (1:21:20)
Sarazanmai (0:32)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (5:08)
Carole & Tuesday (28:30)
Rilakkuma and Kaoru (46:55)
Fruits Basket (2019) (1:01:50)
Monster (1:43:22)
Kokoro Connect (1:56:15)
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