Episode 112 of Key Frames, a podcast about anime. I know we talk a lot about sex on this podcast but, to be fair, anime is extremely horny. As fans of it, we have to apologize for (or at least tolerate) jiggling boobs, panty shots, and more or less everything about the "harem" subgenre. That's why it's kind of a relief to talk about adult relationships in the shows we like! You know, people having sex first and then catching feelings, people whose connections with their partners are more about comfort than romance, and of course the endless (and endlessly) homoerotic fan service of shounen and seinen battlers. Not to mention that, after the break, we have One Piece talk from Andy, Magic Knight Rayearth talk from Ben, and School Days talk from Jeff, while Duncan scoffs at us all!
Neon Genesis Evangelion (5:02)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (10:24)
NANA (11:33)
Kageki Shoujo!! (manga) (15:10)
SaeKano the Movie: Finale (18:52)
Horimiya (20:30)
Scum's Wish (25:48)
Baki (28:14)
Clannad (33:58)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness (manga) (35:30)
Wolf Children (36:17)
Devilman Crybaby (39:16)
March Comes in Like a Lion (41:16)
Bakemonogatari (44:10)
One Piece (manga) (48:55)
Magic Knight Rayearth (1:09:10)
School Days (1:21:34)
Spy x Family (1:39:28)
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Yeah, the age of consent is really thirteen in Japan, at the federal level, and it's a source of some concern
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Actually, Ellis is pulling heavily from an article by Emily St. James, so I'll link the latter here, too
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Minor content warning for discussions of rape and sexual violence in several shows.