Episode 107 of Key Frames, a podcast about anime. I hope you're prepared to hear Ben, Andy, and Duncan say, "I don't know," a lot! Turns out, there are a lot of different ways to come at depictions of religion in anime, from its function in society to the nature of divinity. Don't worry, all of the hosts find plenty of opportunities to bring up cyberpunk and isekai, so you'll still know that you're listening to an anime podcast. To further cement that impression, after the break, they talk about recent shows and movies like Belle, Orbital Children, and the Shirobako movie. Check it out!
Neon Genesis Evangelion (21:09)
Love Live! School Idol Project (23:52)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (33:59)
Belle (42:16)
The Orbital Children (52:34)
Shirobako Movie (1:01:10)
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