Episode 73 of Key Frames, a podcast about anime. JoJomi stumbles backwards onto the pavement as Dioko advances on her. "You think you can defeat me, the immortal Dioko?" sneers the towering blonde vampire. "I am unstoppable!" "Maybe I can't on my own," JoJomi replies, "but you haven't seen the final form of my Stand, 'Hand to Mouth'!" Dioko tries to say something in return but suddenly, impossibly, JoJomi is behind her. As fists and sparks fly, a cry rings out above it all: "Ara ara ara ara!" Anyway, Ben, Andy, Duncan, and Jeff talk about OPs and EDs in this episode.
One Piece (5:04)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (7:14)
Mob Psycho 100 (9:26)
Bleach (11:24)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Battle in Egypt Arc (13:27)
Goku Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei (15:52)
Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei (manga) (16:49)
Bakemonogatari (18:56)
Spice and Wolf (20:47)
Sarazanmai (24:02)
From the New World (27:56)
FLCL (29:54)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (41:55)
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight (43:32)
Paranoia Agent (46:42)
Land of the Lustrous (47:41)
Excel Saga (50:26)
Honey and Clover (52:11)
Boys Over Flowers (58:26)
Rent-a-Girlfriend (1:22:44)
FLCL Progressive (1:41:48)
Akagi (1:54:05)
Saki (1:56:57)
Related Links:
HBomberguy's review of RWBY, complete with shoutouts to Bleach
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Who is Kazuto Nakazawa?
A YouTube playlist of every OP and ED we discuss
Ben's blog series "reviewing" anime OPs and EDs
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Etymology and meanings of the Japanese name Kazuya
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Minor content warning for a discussion of rape in Boys Over Flowers.