Episode 35 of Key Frames: Inbetweens, a mini-podcast about anime. Have you felt like something strange and terrible has been hanging over your head for four years, maybe more? Does today seem like it could be the moment when it all comes crashing down? Does it seem at the same time like it could stay up there forever, a sword of Damocles under which you'll be forced to live your life just out of the universal indignity of being born? Will today be the day you make a change, something proactive for once, and avert the disaster that you can't help but see in your future? Will you listen to us talk at last about the works of Inio Asano, the brains behind the recent movie duology and ONA series Dead Dead Demon's DeDeDeDe Destruction? It's not likely to help with all of the above, but it might make you feel like someone else gets it.
Solanin (manga) (6:06)
Dead Dead Demon's DeDeDeDe Destruction (9:58)
Oyasumi Punpun (manga) (1:04:20)
Related Links:
The titular song of Solanin, created for the movie by Asian Kung-Fu Generation
The ANN reviewer pointing out that Oran's face of madness is actually one of shame
That Asano interview we keep referencing
The ANN reviewer complaining about mistranslating Watarase's creepiness
Explaining I Saw the TV Glow's ending as an authentic experience of transness (with spoilers)
Content warning for discussions of suicide in Dead Dead Demon's DeDeDeDe Destruction