
All posts tagged midori

Episode 06 of Key Frames: Inbetweens, a mini-podcast about anime. People are lining up to hear Andy and Midori talk about their experience at Comiket 93! Mids is full of facts about the world's largest doujinshi market! Andy is unsure whether or not to eat a bag of poop for which he paid ¥3,000! They play a recording of a drunken conversation with Andy's friend Hiroto, a Comiket veteran! Hurry, before we run out of exclamation points!

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Inbetween 06 - Queue Up!

Episode 02 of Key Frames: Inbetweens, a mini-podcast about anime. A show about girls working at a software company. Is that Non Non Biyori? A show about the discrimination that monster girls face. Is that Non Non Biyori? A show about a high school gaming club. Is THAT Non Non Biyori? Andy and Mids roam far and wide before arriving at their destination: the remake of Mahoujin Guru Guru, an anime from Mids' childhood. It's not Non Non Biyori, but it's close.

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Inbetween 02 - Dear Anime (Mahoujin Guru Guru)