Episode 36 of Key Frames: Inbetweens, a mini-podcast about anime. Koyomi Araragi must just be the most insufferable person to have at your college, right? Like, you're sitting in Philosophy 101, going over different perspectives on theory of mind, and here's this dude who looks like he hasn't gotten a haircut in years wasting the professor's time with a rambling story about the time he became a vampire, a supernatural being living eternally in the moment, and how his perception of reality was forever and fundamentally altered by the experience. "Oh well," you think as you head to math next, "Philosophy courses are always going to have at least one douchebag who won't stop talking..." and then he's waiting for you there as well, already droning on about how his cryptography skills were crucial in defeating another vampire, apparently not even the one who bit him in the first place! How many vampires has this weirdo met in his eighteen years of life, exactly? All you can do is make a mental note of who seems to be part of his social circle (the mean-looking girl with the stationery fetish and the robotlike girl who fawns over him despite them just having met are what spring to mind) and hope that you'll be able to avoid all of them over the next four years. How hard could it be? It's not like he's the magnet for trouble he's desperate to make himself out to be. Anyway, Ben and Jeff resume their discussion of Nisio Isin's work in adaptation, after much delay, with Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season. Enjoy!